Fort - Features and Goals

End-user goals

Utility and applications

Development goals


For diagnostics, consider this program:

$ cat init.f90
module i
  integer x, y, z
  parameter (y = 1, x = 3 + y + z)
end module

Note that variable z does not have parameter attribute, and therefore is illegal in parameter initialization.

First, Flang:

$ flang -fsyntax-only init.f90
F90-S-0087-Non-constant expression where constant expression required (init.f90: 3)
  0 inform,   0 warnings,   1 severes, 0 fatal for i

That is literally all the output, at least from version that supports LLVM 5. Second, GNU Fortran:

$ gfortran -fsyntax-only init.f90

   parameter (y = 1, x = 3 + z)
Error: Parameter 'z' at (1) has not been declared or is a variable, which does not reduce to a constant expression

And finally the same with Fort:

$ fort -fsyntax-only init.f90
init.f90:3:21: error: parameter 'x' must be initialized by a constant expression
  parameter (y = 1, x = 3 + y + z)
init.f90:3:33: note: this expression is not allowed in a constant expression
  parameter (y = 1, x = 3 + y + z)